
Lame Rosse

The “Lame Rosse”, are landslides of red sandstone that give life to a canyon composed of sides continuously modeled by the wind. The show is therefore always different!

The “Lame Rosse” are located in the municipality of Fiastra but can also be reached from the hamlet of Villa di Montalto. (5 km from our country house)

Grotte dei Frati

The “Grotte dei Frati”, are located in the municipality of Fiastra, and are easily accessible from the municipality of Cessapalombo.

The caves are called “dei Frati” because around the year one thousand Benedictine and Franciscan friars built their convent here.

In 1944 some caves were used by partisans to hide from the Nazis.

Eremo di Soffiano

The Hermitage of Soffiano is located in Campanotico, in the municipality of Sarnano, 13 km from the country house.

The path originally created by the Franciscan community winds through woods and water sources and is surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and by Monte Pizzo Meta.

Gole dell'Infernaccio

The “Gole dell’Infernaccio” are located in the municipality of Montefortino, 33 km from the country house.

They are suggestive natural gorges surrounded by numerous springs and waterfalls from which you can also reach the majestic Hermitage of San Leonardo.

Sentiero delle Acque

This route is located in the municipality of Pieve Torina in the direction of Colfiorito, 35 km from the country house. It is an almost totally flat path surrounded by streams, natural pools and waterfalls. at one end of the route, in Fiume, you can admire the medieval mill and its original mechanisms.




This lake is a 15-minute drive from the country house.

Along its banks, you can walk, picnic, kayak and fish.

There, every Sunday from 08.00 to 20.00, there is a market of local products.


This lake is a 30-minute drive from the country house.

Lake Fiastra is particularly loved and frequented by the population and tourists because it offers many possibilities for recreation (swimming, water sports, mountain bike rides, Nordic walking and canoe rental…)


Lake San Ruffino is located in the municipality of Amandola, 25 km from the country house. A path that can be traveled on foot and by mountain bike winds around the lake.

During the summer, you can rent canoes and admire sailing regattas that attract many tourists from all over Italy and beyond.


The Boccafornace lake is located in Pievebovigliana, in the municipality of Valfornace, 28 km from the country house. Here you can practice sport fishing and walk along two paths: the one on the right, accessible to all, can be traveled on foot or by mountain bike; the one on the left leads to a wood where aquatic animals can be observed.



It is 6km from our country house.

It rises to 447 m a.s.l. and has 498 inhabitants. The name of the town recalls a wood, used for cutting wood, owned by a certain Palumbo, who lived in the Middle Ages.

The community has always been linked to its nature. In fact, mushrooms, bread, legumes, saffron and “Coroncina” olive oil are produced here. Furthermore, the two festivals that take place here: the Mushroom Festival and Antichi Sapori e Ricchezze del Bosco” want to rediscover the traditions of peasant civilization, typical products and ancient crafts.


It is 14 km from our country house.
It rises to 540 m asl and has 3,268 inhabitants.

Thanks to its panoramic position and its well-preserved medieval architecture, the town has been classified as one of the “most beautiful villages in Italy”. Several historical reenactments aim to revive the past of this center.

It is a country that offers many possibilities for recreation: from sports (ski facilities, hang gliding, mountain biking) to culture (museums, the Vittoria theater and churches) and relaxation (Sarnano spa).

San Ginesio

It is 7km from our country house.

It rises to 690 m above sea level and has 3,438 inhabitants.

Located on a hill, it enjoys a magnificent panorama of the nearby mountains and countryside, which is why it has been called the “Balcony of the Sibillini”. Its late medieval historic center is very well preserved and is still the scene of historical re-enactments today.

The origin of the name can be traced back to the homonymous Saint Ginesio (Patron of actors and musicians), a Roman mime actor and musician, who died a martyr. Every year several events related to the world of theater are organized there.


It rises to 256 m asl and has 20,372 inhabitants.
It is 15 km from our country house.

Its historical centre, of notable beauty, is still surrounded by thirteenth-century walls. It is worth visiting its churches (in particular the “Cappellone di S. Nicola” with frescoes from the Giotto school, the historic buildings such as “Palazzo Parisani Bezzi” where Napoleon Bonaparte signed important treaties and the Humor Museum.

The two most important festivals in the town are: the Biennial of Humor in Art, and the historical re-enactment “Tolentino 815”.

Belforte del Chienti

It is 9km from our country house.
It rises to 340m above sea level and has 1900 inhabitants.

This town is located in the Macerata hilly hinterland on the border with the Monti Sibillini National Park.

Also in this locality particular attention has been given to respect for nature. The Ecological House (environmental education center) located here is one example.

Of particular interest is the polyptych preserved in the Church of Sant’Eustachio from 1468 which bears the signature of Giovanni Boccati.